The Apocalyptic Apes collection, a derivative based on the popular Bored Ape Yacht Club, marked my debut in the NFT space. Drawing inspiration from numerous post-apocalyptic movies and video games, I crafted an edgy and distinctive collection of apocalyptic-themed apes.
Artwork and Design
The collection boasts over 300 unique traits and features 8,888 unique generative pieces of artwork. In addition to these generative pieces, I also illustrated a select number of unique 1:1 pieces that were prominently featured within the collection.
Success and Impact
The Apocalyptic Apes collection sold out within the first month of its launch, maintaining a floor price of over 1 ETH during the height of NFT popularity. This success provided me with significant exposure and recognition in the NFT community.
Despite creative differences with the founder that led to our eventual parting ways, I remain immensely proud of the artwork I produced. The support from enthusiasts and collectors was overwhelming, boosting my confidence in my illustration work.
Trade Volume and Community
The collection has achieved a trade volume of 8,971 ETH, equivalent to over 65 million USD. It attracted several celebrities, including UFC fighter Kimbo Slice Jr., Paris Hilton, soccer legend John Terry, and MBA player Ryan Sheriff, enhancing its visibility and prestige.
Being part of the Apocalyptic Apes project was a significant milestone in my career. The journey provided invaluable experience and exposure, reaffirming my passion for illustration and digital art. Despite the challenges, the positive feedback and success of the collection have been a rewarding and confidence-boosting experience.